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Cherry Blossoms


Nourish from Within

Nourish Wellness - a Sanctuary and Source of Inspiration, Self Care and Wellness Wisdom. 

A place to get Heart-Centred, Create shifts in your life, rediscover your light within and Nourish your whole being.

A place to come for a moment of loving self-care. Like a supportive friend here to remind you to just... BREATHE... SMILE and NOURISH your whole being from within. A mini-retreat at any time of the day, whenever you need or want a little extra sunshine in your life ☀

NWS offerings include 1:1 coaching (session by session, or packages), private or group meditation, workshops, events, podcast episodes, and stay tuned for the NWS blog: 'Inspired Musings'.


aka 'Coach Letti'

Hello Beautiful, I'm Colette

A little about me:


I love dogs. I’m a runner - especially in nature, that and meditation nourishes my soul. You can always find me with a list/post-it note or journal on hand. My favourite treats are coconut chai lattes and chocolate. And I’m passionate about all things wellness! 💕


I've been on my own personal growth path for many years. I've overcome anxiety, experienced the impact of being an empath (before I discovered what that term even meant!) and I'm an introvert, which can feel lonely & confusing when you get caught up in what's ‘socially expected’ 💁🏻‍♀️  But I've learned how EMPOWERING it is to Understand and EMBRACE those sensitivities, to step into my LIGHT and SHINE 🌟 and to get HEART-CENTRED moment by moment 💗

I've personally explored and experienced various spiritual and holistic approaches - from Ayurveda to Conscious Uncoupling 🌿  I'm certified in Mindfulness and Meditation🧘🏻‍♀️  And I'm a certified Holistic Health & Life coach through the Health Coach Institute. I offer sessions and packages to guide you on your path to your best self. It's a journey! And I am here, through Nourish Wellness, to be a source of inspiration, hope, comfort and light. ✨

As a Certified Holistic Health, Life and Mindfulness Coach, I deeply believe in our ability to create our lives, overcome challenges, heal, re-discover and step into our Beautiful selves - and I hold that belief for you even in those moments you don't. 


I also believe that Energy is everything! Including the power of words (how good do the words Nourish & Inspired feel! - and yet other words can feel so heavy). And I believe that getting heart-centred, taking a breath and getting grounded in the present, is one of the keys to reconnecting with the magic and flow of life.

I'm so glad you're here at Nourish Wellness and I'd be honoured to take you on one of the coaching journeys to become more inspired, empowered and aligned with your Truth! 

Coach Letti
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